Bulgarian Investor Immigration Program
The Bulgarian Investor Program for Permanent Residence is among the most accessible ones in Europe
Fast-track residence option now available
According to
„Тhe Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act“, art. 25
Highlights of the investor immigration program
- Invests
...............................~ €500,000 in a Bulgarian mutual fund
Apply for Fast track residency option
~ 6 months
No Bulgarian language requirements
Special exemption from physical residence
Highly liquid investment in a high-growth region with excellent upside potential
Unrestricted right to travel across Europe
Access to various benefits in EU
Benefits for program participants
- Unrestricted right to travel, live and work across Europe
- Right to own property and do business in any EU country
- Possibility to open bank accounts in all EU countries
- Access to quality healthcare and education in EU
About the investment
- Invest in a licensed UCITS-compliant mutual fund – Advance Invest
- Advance Invest is the first equity mutual fund in Bulgaria, launched in 2004
- Investment theme: mainly Bulgaria & Romania
- Diversified portfolio of ~50 professionally selected companies
- Seasoned investment team with solid experience and excellent track record in Emerging Europe
- Long fund history with consistent performance and low volatility (risk)
- Native understanding of the local market dynamics, on-the-ground research coverage
- High degree of security: fund assets are kept in a segregated account with the custodian bank
- Top rated among its peers - multiple fund of the year awards
- Offering format: UCITS fund, daily trading in BGN/EUR
The Bulgarian Investor Program for Permanent Residence is among the most accessible ones in Europe
Your gateway into the European economy and way of life
Apply nowAdvance Invest
Discover the best investment opportunities!
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This is a marketing communication. Please review the prospectus and the key information document of the respective fund before making an investment decision. The information is valid as of the date of issuance of the marketing material and may change in the future. The provided information does not constitute investment advice, counsel, investment research, or a recommendation to invest and should not be interpreted as such. The value of the fund's shares and the income from them may decrease; profit is not guaranteed, and investors bear the risk of not recovering their investments in full. Investments in funds are not guaranteed by a state-established guarantee fund or any other type of guarantee. Past performance does not relate to future results of an investment company. Future results are subject to taxation, which depends on each investor's personal situation and may change in future periods. The documents are available in Bulgarian on the website www.karollcapital.bg and can be obtained free of charge in paper form at the office of the Management Company upon request. The fund is actively managed and does not follow an index. A summary of shareholder rights is available at https://karollcapital.bg/uploads/2023/Prava_na_pritejatelite.pdf